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Survival Camping

An essential life skill

A slice of Activity

Survival camping is a taste of living with the very basics and using available resources judiciously away from the confines of closed walls. Though we do not think of it as such, our professional and personal lives are often dotted with such situations which require you work of limited options. In a survival camp, one learns to use camping gear and travel with essentials. Along with a tiny dose of self-discipline and developing the ability to manage on your own in challenging situations, this adventure in nature is one of the best ways to experience nature at close quarters as well.

Mastering the art of Leadership and Team Building while Survival Camping

Good leadership often needs one to jump in and stand out as a doer. Be it in pitching tents or gathering naturally available resources, it requires one to be trained and then perhaps even pass on this learning to others to help them progress. Relating these to professional or personal settings, such team building activities can tap into otherwise unseen pioneers in your organisation or home. It adds to a sense of satisfaction and takes you a step closer to more successes in many aspects of life.

Survival Camping – An exciting wilderness experience

Learning the basics of surviving the great outdoors involves many skills. From the knowledge of knowing where to obtain food in the wild, emergency medical treatment to working as a team, this camping will allow you to experience the thrill of living far from the generally well-accustomed urban settings where we have access to dedicated resources for these. It is a wonderful means to build on innate ingenuity and learn from experienced guides. It leaves you refreshed with improved ability to think and act quickly.

The beauty of being with nature during Survival Camping

Away from boring routines, camping is a chance to be with nature at the deepest level. Ample opportunity to interact with fellow team members improves camaraderie and is a definitive way to leave behind personal biases and prejudices and get to work towards a common goal. The calm and serene surroundings offer a perfect setting for a family or corporate outing in Bangalore. It brings welcome chance to unwind and soak in the simple pleasures of outdoors. Bringing you a step closer to appreciate and better utilize what you have, be it work, studies or other resources, be it in the wild or everyday life.

Sharpen your survival skills by Survival Camping

Skills such as living under makeshift shelters or cooking or procuring own food make one self-reliant. It focuses on living with essentials and is a fun exercise in teamwork as it requires making the best of individual talents as a group. An excellent opportunity for those who like adventure and learn skills like determining a good camping spot, learning to appreciate and live with other life forms, read directions while doubling up as a refreshing break from the daily grind.

Discover your wild side through Survival Camping Discovery village’s is one of the resorts with activities in Bangalore. Its survival camping brings you an opportunity to build on your personality in an exciting way in the lap of Mother Nature. A wonderful array of activities requiring varied levels of physical and mental exertion for corporate gatherings, family getaway, school picnics or other informal congregations. Far from the daily grind, get to know another side of you and your team through umpteen such options.


Building relationships, building better teams, team work, team bonding, building trust, leadership, decision making, helping, motivating each other, collaboration, cooperation, coordination, taking care of each other, big picture, problem solving, conflict management, change management.